MYM - I Just Can't Say No

Okay, So I have this inability to say no to anything. It generally gets me into trouble, but I think this time it might be getting me into something that will be very helpful. See, I'm disorganized and have become an expert at procrastination. What I want most in this world is to have an organized home that runs smoothly, leaving plenty of time for family. I want to live in the moment rather than spending every waking hour worrying about what needs to be done, where I'm supposed to be, what I forgot to do... What I have is a home that looks like a tornado hit it and a calendar so full of commitments that my family is rarely in the same room together so quality family time becomes impossible.

I stumbled upon Kat's Blog, Inspired to Action, a couple of months ago. She has so many great ideas for getting organized and making the most of time with family. Last week I read a post about now another blogger, Michelle from So I Married a Mennonite, plans to do a weekly series using Kat's e-book Maximize Your Mornings. Well, how could I say no? I've never said no to anything! Getting my mornings in order is really important to me. I wake up early but waste my time. I really need to get my act together because in just over a week my son will be starting high school. He will have to be in the building by 7:30am each morning. Ugh! I despise mornings where I'm yelling, he's late and we part with scowls rather than smiles. I know that it's my job as a mom to set the tone for the morning and I want this school year to be different. I REALLY want this year to be different. You have no idea.

So, here I am. I've downloaded the book and read a little bit of it. I'm going to read more before going to bed tonight but I'm starting with the action steps from Step 1.

I'm going to wake up @ 5:30am. I already get up at that time so that shouldn't be an issue. However, rather than sitting in front of the computer or tv, I'm going to do something worthwhile with my time.

I'm going to bed (lights out!) at 10:00pm tonight.

I'm going to lay out my bible before bed. I've never really been one to study my bible so I'm going to just start reading the Proverb that matches the date and spend time praying. I'll work on coming up with a better plan for next week.

The alarm clock is always set so nothing new there.

I don't have an accountability partner. I think I will quickly post an "I'm up!" on FB before I begin reading. That will have to do for now.

This will be my plan for this week. Exercise will be added later. I will also finish reading the e-book and work on Step 2 so I'll be ready for next Monday's link up.

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.


holly said...

hi there!
i'm doing the challenge as well. found kat's blog a couple of weeks ago. lovin' it - so inspirational :)
good luck tomorrow morning. Oh's 10:21, I should probably go to bed now!

Stacy said...

You can do it :) I love your desire to change.